"The market is only truly random if kept within its parameters of limitations."

"Buying power is staying power, with enough staying power you will always be profitable."

Welcome to "The Trading Truth"!

I am authoring this site to make you more aware of your trading enviroment. Whether you are a trader, investor, 401K holder, or have any part of your life linked to or affected by the markets, there should be some valuable information found here for you. You will... (click to continue)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yesterdays close, todays progress

Yesterdays close found me up a little over 3% (of utilized capital) on the day. I will be posting some exits before long (have english paper to write first). Here is a look at yesterdays close:

Today, at this point, looks like this (about 2% off todays peek so far):

The name of the game is staying power, if you do not alot for it, you will not be present during the move. The possibility of traders being short during the turn is slim to none (unless you seen my Disqus comments yesterday along with some posted charts ;-)). Fading (averaging down) the trade has you present and participating in the turn. Are you profitable when it turns? No. By the time everyone attempts getting on the short bus (pun intended) you will be though. Those brainwashed into being long, adding long, and staying long, look at this down move as a smaller pullback within the upward thrust. By the time they realize different, it is too late.