"The Trading Truth" has evolved from my learnings within the financial markets. As each piece of the puzzle fell together I was even more astonished by the measures in place to keep the average person from prospering financially.
Even with the best education possible, free, or paid, you are up against some pretty extreme competition.
My market education came solely from my self discovery. I did read hundreds of books, articles, etc. In the end, I found I wasted my time and efforts, and a few dollars to boot.
After realizing, the more you learn of others assumptions, the more you find your odds are truly less than 50/50 in any given scenario. You might say "bullshit", but, give it time.
Do not believe everything you read, question everything, this was my approach. Just because someone wrote it and published it, does not mean it is accurate. It is easier to accept something as truth than to take the time to disprove it. As a collective whole, people are lazy.
Any technique you have been told that works, I have already disproven. My findings while disproving these theories and techniques led me to realize, the markets are truly random, as long as certain parameters are adhered to. To calrify, the market is truly random... within ranges.
I am also the author of www.channellines.com, known to many as "Winace". At one point within my own learning curve, I realized channels were the best shot, when used correctly, of forcasting future pricing movement. I became well known for my channel analysis, yet, upon furthering my own education, found I was misleading many.
I discovered, in order, these valuable lessons. First off, fundamental analysis has its place, long term, many companies actually are affected by the underlying fundamentals. Yet, as the market "breathes", fundamentals will serve you no purpose. Technical analysis does not give you the edge most books and individuals might have you believe. Channels are the basis of any given chart pattern, oscillators and indicators calibrate to these channels. Channels are made by a ratio of inclining/declining extensions and their corresponding compensatory counter move corrections. These inclines/declines and corrective moves are held to market rules which are based primarily on one very specific principal. That principal is averaging down the trade.
So, there it is, years upon years of questioning everything, disproving everything, and believing nothing in a nutshell. The bottom line... in the market, if you are not fully aware of your environment, you're fish food. If anyone tells you no one can trade 100% of their trades for profit, don't believe it either. With enough capital, anything is possible!