(introduction continued) ...find, upon reading this blog and its linked articles (authored by myself), that in the financial markets, it takes capital to make money. Whether you have this type of capital, or not, you should further your education of the market by leaps and bounds here. The first, and most important objective, is to at least slow your rate of losses within the market. It is a learning curve, one which most never catch on to, even self-proclaimed professionals will inadvertantly lead you down the road to loss. The available newsletter may, or may not, assist you in monetary gain. As I said, it takes capital to make consistant profits. Regardless, the newsletter should assist you in the mechanics of trading the market. An education in market mechanics is vital, realizing most people are under-capitalized is more vital. Even more important... what can you do about it?
Below, is the daily blog. This may, or may not, be up to date (I do not post here daily). The right sidebar has links to educational and informative articles I have written, this will be an ongoing and never ending process. You will also find information regarding the newsletter and such there. If you find any links which deny access, it is for newsletter, or other service subscribers. I recommend starting your education at "The trading truth: Things you should know".