"The market is only truly random if kept within its parameters of limitations."

"Buying power is staying power, with enough staying power you will always be profitable."

Welcome to "The Trading Truth"!

I am authoring this site to make you more aware of your trading enviroment. Whether you are a trader, investor, 401K holder, or have any part of your life linked to or affected by the markets, there should be some valuable information found here for you. You will... (click to continue)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Secondary Extension Trade

The secondary extention trade is very much similiar to the primary extension trade. The secondary extension exists within the primary extension and extends in the same direction of the primary extension. This is an averaging in fade trade just like the parent trade. The secondary extension fade is of a lower time duration trade and covers a smaller range of pricing of the underlying. Due to the smaller range of price movement, the secondary extension can be exploited with the use of "in the money" options more readily. The information provided in the newsletter regarding these trade set-up are the same as the primary extension trade. That information is as follows:

all levels of addition entries
Quantity of each entry (on a lot basis) (these will be uniform throughout the trade)
Total capital allocated for the trade
Profit range (this is a pretty consistant percentage based on "utilized" capital. For example, if the profit range is 200.00 to 3,000.00, the 200.00 end will actually utilize a small percentage of the allocated capital, the 3,000.00 end of the range would be utilizing 100% of the allocated capital)
Emergency stop price and maximum loss should this happen.

Any updates to the trade, ie, de-leveraging the position, and target exits will be updated in a timely manor via email/text.

additional information is located at "What you should know".