"The market is only truly random if kept within its parameters of limitations."

"Buying power is staying power, with enough staying power you will always be profitable."

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Friday, after the close, I see I stopped out on the Q's secondary extension (2nd fade on this extension). Typically when stopped out I would have a contingent order to re-enter further "in the money" with a new matrix. I've been pretty tied up and did not get the order in. I will re-enter at 41.25 (hopefully this open).

My FSLR long hedge was stopped out 9/9 at target which swung my portfolio delta way negative. A few other short positions have stopped out at target to relieve some of that negative delta. The Q's being stopped out at a loss also relieved some negative delta. All positions currently held are delta negative and the new Q's matrix will swing that more negative pretty quickly with any upward movement.

Everything is balancing out. I would like to be more delta negative with a big fat hedge, but time constraints this AM will keep me from looking for more opportunities. If everything goes well, I may be back for the afternoon session. The details on the new QQQQ secondary fade are below.

Stopped out on QQQQ secondary extension fade
Loss of 2.44K
Utilized capital 21.13K
11.5% loss of utilized capital

New position matrix on QQQQ, lot size 4, Oct 50 Puts

Entry QTY Stock Profile
41.25 4 Capital Required 348,747
41.73 4 Draw-down at tier 20 -8,495
42.14 4 Drawdown at tier 20 (%) -2.48%
42.50 4 Profit Range 910 - 21,025
42.82 4 Return on capital utilization (estimated) 6.03%
43.09 4 Stop Loss 9,253.18
43.33 4
43.53 4 Option Profile
43.71 4 Capital Required 54,646
43.87 4 Draw-down at tier 20 -7,657
44.01 4 Drawdown at tier 20 (%) -15%
44.12 4 Profit Range 901 - 20,290
44.23 4 Return on capital utilization (estimated) 37.13%
44.32 4 Stop Loss 9,253.18
44.39 4
44.46 4
44.52 4
44.57 4
44.62 4
44.66 4

Stop 44.75