"The market is only truly random if kept within its parameters of limitations."

"Buying power is staying power, with enough staying power you will always be profitable."

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I am authoring this site to make you more aware of your trading enviroment. Whether you are a trader, investor, 401K holder, or have any part of your life linked to or affected by the markets, there should be some valuable information found here for you. You will... (click to continue)

Monday, August 31, 2009

39.35.... secondary second entry....

The secondary extension entry (second attempt) was 39.35.... here we are at 39.94 and the position could be exited for about 9-10% gain (already exceeding the loss on the first attempt also).

Exiting a short position at a higher price for profit??? How absurd!!!!

It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. If you have the buying power to stay the trade, you will be correct. The name of the game is managing the position to allow the staying power to run the course of the trade. The primary thing which runs against you in keeping staying power is delta errosion. Delta errosion is directly affected by theta, the time greek.... if you are pushing you buying power to buy time, of course, delta errosion due to time will be your largest enemy.